
like *WTF"~!!

I came back coz I just update my site & I can't see it~!!!! So damn frustrating~!!! >_<

I miss writing nonsenses on this blog for no reason... actually what happen the last time I did an update was almost a year ago so now it turn into a 'memory' & I'm so full of 'memory' right now that I hope I wont break down & cry after reading coz I'm f**king miss every single things that has happen before & now I lost so much.. I can't believe anything I actually saying anymore...

I lose 'hope'... not all but most of it went down the drain.. my youth is fading & I only see gray lining in my 'future'... :(

I'm too content to be selfishly secure in my lil' hole..

like WTF!?

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