
The dream is still Alive!

felt like writing something just to assure myself that I still got time in mah pocket.. but I know it's flying away so fast.. the end of the year is coming & u know how works always pile up at this time of year.. [I don't like that blogger couldn't use emode.. kinda make this blog darn boring XD]

nothing special.. recently, I try to help my bro out with his manga project, which makes me feel funny coz I never could accomplish even a single dojinshi in the past 2 yrs, but now I'm helping him with his comic story... I mean I don't have that much confident in my drawing & writing so how I can I know if my story will be any better? he seems to have alot of ideas in his brain that he simply doesn't show it to me much T-T well.. I wonder how this goin' to end since we let time slip passed us so much already... & the journey just begin XD

sentimental.. sentimental... & I realise my Eng ain't gonna get any better than this.. crap..

pick 'The Dream is still Alive' by wilson Phillips coz it's a good upbeat song.. I need to get socialise more but I hate socialising... XD

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