
Goodbye is Tomorrow's Hello~

lol~ I was just fin GX~!!! Grrrrrrr I need to spit it out~!!!! nyaaaaaa I didn't hate it~ kinda like it somewhat altho I skip most part with the big-ugly villions & even teh handsome villians coz it's oh-so-boring~!!! lol~ the villians didn't even get to die~ WTF?!!! [okay I watch too much G-seed that every villians gets to face a horrible death fate XD]

the ending was oh-so-ridiculous [cant' blame them... GX got chop off, but it's already boring as it is anyway]~ a huge fighting mess then BOOM eveything over... blah~ what a Gundam way of ending-the-war-theory~ I guess it's the formula.. if we eliminate all the gundam from the beginning. the war won't happen & probably Bandai will get pissed off XD XD lol~ SUXXX capitalism~

almost forgot to mention.. I F**king HATE that narrator guy~!!!! Oooooooo~ he's f**king my brain out~!!! I'm so f**king happy they stop using his service after this XD XD

kinda disappointed a lil' that Jamil hook up with that girl,Sara XD he was suppose to stick with his buddy~the Dr. [who havn't got a name till the end] or maybe developed a relationship with his former rival. [forget his name but I think he's a cutie too <3] & GarrodxTiffa couple make me choke from sugar over dose [ughhhhhhh its tooo much..too sapppp~] /me luff luff Caris ~

last nite, meh bro show me 'Ebichu' anime.. XD XD perverted funny anime by Gainax~ lol~ was kinda funny but somehow I end up laughing just the first part coz it's kinda way too much dirty gag [I don't mind dirty gag, but it's not that amusing after 10 dirty gag coming ur way]

title for today is Tension songs 'Goodbye to me is just hello' [but actually it's literally translate 'Goodbye is just Tomorrow's Hello'] upbeat kinda song :)

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