
*my Eng is so crappy*

well.. I should start typing in Eng from now on.. I havn't use it for such a long time [a year?] so the wording will be very ugly & short (coz I run out of words to express)

Today we have a small meeting at the office... & I take in as much as I can but seriously gotta admit I was abit confuse at the context of the meeting since I'm so new to this place... & the working process was somewhat strange -_- I really am a newbie. Anyway we end up with a lil' party which contain eating, eating, eating & chatting.. so OK, I'm no good at conversation at all... that's my personality problem.

Yesterday [& almost everyday now], I got mad at my dad, who seem to think everybody is against him in such stupid manners. While I say nothing he imply as 'you're happy that I'm miserable' [who said!?] & when I tried so hard to explain to him that he could be happy despite differences among our family [very huge one too] He kept rejecting & think my words are nothing but foolishness. I'm way over my head with him. & to become a good daugther is such a difficult task altogether... I wish he would just take things abit lighter & end this stupid argument [my bro give up on him... I start to agree with him now] well, It's ruining the bonding of our family [which I wonder if we could be consider 'family' thinking that we only care for physical condition & being strictly cut off from 'social function']

Anywho, it's strange that I can't explain much about anything....so I can't really put it in to words now T-T I'll tried though....

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